Google's Veo and Sora will ruin us?

Discussion started by mykola1985

More and more often we see new AI technologies evolve not only with images, but now with Sora and Veo (still not available to public).
These technologies can generate high quality videos just from text typing. the results are quite impressive. What guys do you think? will it seriously damage our 3d market in the near future?


Posted 14 days ago

Profits from selling video footage (platforms like videohive, shutterstock, etc.) may be reduced, but all depending on licensing such generated content.

mykola1985 wrote
Agree! But I believe many models are also used to create images and videos too, not only for game content and 3d printing. That's why it may have impact on 3d models market. More or less ... :-/ who knows
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
It is quite possible that in long term all marketplaces and small/middle teams, soft creators, etc. will be acquired by corporations. Everywhere will be dominated only by conglomerates and big solid companies. It is unknown how this will affect income (including 3d artists). There are very positive scenarios from the same Elon Musk and there are also extremely negative ones. Significant changes in any case will happen.
mykola1985 wrote
Yes. i think the same ! Significant changes will definitely happen. Then we will see...

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